Backing up Data: Why Every Organisation is Under Threat

According to a 2017 Economist article, data has overtaken oil as the most valuable resource the world has to offer. It’s a startling claim, but not an untrue one. In the modern age, virtually everything we do produces data. From the journeys we take every day to the websites we browse as we sit in […]

What Happened in the New Year Honours Data Breach?

2019 was a big year for cyber security breaches, and even Christmas couldn’t slow that train, with one last story yet to hit, one that included the breach of personal details for over a thousand new years honours recipients. The list included the likes of Sir Elton John, TV Cook Nadiya Hussian along with senior […]

Why Businesses Must Take the Data Protection Act Seriously

Thee Data Protection Act, originally signed into law in 1998, has had a profound impact since its introduction over 20 years ago. Rewriting the rulebook for how businesses process data, the Data Protection Act 1998 ensured that customer data is given appropriate value within organisations. In 2018, it was brought up to date to incorporate […]

Email Etiquette: Get to Grips with Good Email Practice

How would your office function without email? Ever since its popularisation in the 90s, offices have made email an indispensable part of their everyday workflow. From arranging meetings and placing orders to organising the annual secret Santa, email has proven vital. Whilst email has undoubtedly been a force for good, it isn’t without its perils. […]

The Evolving Threat of Ransomware in 2019 and Beyond

For most businesses, ransomware is the great boogeyman, always lurking around the corner. The prospect of walking into work one day to find all your data locked behind a paywall is a terrifying one, and worst of all, it’s far from a remote possibility. Ransomware attacks in 2018 reached 204 million, a figure which is […]

What is Cyber Security: Everything You Need to Know

There’s a lot of money in information, which is why threats from cybercriminals are growing increasingly common. Cyber security is arguably the most important measure modern organisations can take to keep their clients’ information safe. However, what cyber security actually entails is often misconstrued by key decision-makers within organisations. In this article, we’ll be giving […]

What Were the Most Common Passwords in 2019?

Read our updated guide to 2020’s most common passwords here! Let’s face it – few of us enjoy the process of picking a password. We’re often marooned between a simple yet memorable password and a truly secure one. The result? An epidemic of poor choices which means that, when it comes to choosing passwords, many […]