Using public WiFi safely: What you need to know

Have you ever found yourself visiting a client for a coffee and needing to connect to public WiFi? It’s a common scenario, especially in our post-pandemic work-from-anywhere world. However, while free WiFi might feel like a friendly perk, it can be anything but when it’s deployed maliciously. In this blog, we’re going to dive deep […]

New ChatGPT feature dramatically increases phishing risk

There’s been an awful lot of hay made in 2023 regarding ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. Some of it worthwhile, others not quite as much. These tools enable users to enter prompts to receive humanlike images, text, or videos created by AIs that have been trained on vast data sets of human-made writing, recordings, […]

The 2024 cybersecurity predictions your organisation needs to know

If 2023 has made one thing clear, it’s that staying on top of cyber industry trends and challenges is more important than ever. The breaches of the past year tell us that predicting our cyber future is far from a walk in the park. Indeed, according to Forbes, by the close of 2024, the cost […]