Why HR’s role in cyber risk management is growing

Many businesses make the mistake of thinking that cyberattacks only target bigger, higher-profile companies, simply because those stories garner news coverage. The reality? Small businesses are the most at risk of attack. Hackers look to take advantage of the smaller IT and training budgets to find vulnerabilities that can be used for financial gain. This […]

The seven video conferencing mistakes you can’t afford to make

When was the last time you stepped out of the office for a face-to-face meeting? With the rise of online meetings, chances are it’s becoming a rare occurrence. The perks of not commuting, seamless long-distance communication, and more have made virtual meetings the go-to choice. But, amidst the convenience, it’s crucial not to overlook the […]

Vans data breach explained: Everything you need to know

Imagine the sinking feeling of a critical system failure right before a major product launch. Now imagine having to communicate to millions of customers that their records were exposed in a data breach. That’s the harsh reality Vans’ parent company, VF Corporation, faced in December 2023. This breach is a stark reminder for CISOs and […]

How to create a proactive incident response plan

Have you ever heard the saying, “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”? It is especially relevant in cybersecurity practices. With AI enabling scammers and hackers to create more sophisticated attacks at scale, being prepared for the worst-case scenario is vital for business success. While taking steps to prevent attacks is vital, having a strong incident […]

What is cyber insurance?

In an ideal cyber world, a company would achieve foolproof cybersecurity, ensuring hackers fail every time However, cyber insurance can be a valuable asset for many organisations to protect against the inevitability of human error. As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, the risks they pose also increase. These attacks aren’t mere inconveniences, either. Indeed, they can […]

The psychology of authority in phishing (and how to stop it)

You’ve heard the warnings: don’t click suspicious links, be wary of urgent emails, and never share your password. Yet, even the most tech-savvy individuals fall victim to phishing scams. Why? It’s because phishers don’t just rely on technical trickery; they exploit a powerful human instinct: our inherent trust in authority. Imagine receiving an email from […]

AI startup Anthropic data breach: What you need to know

Have you ever hit “send” on an email and immediately regretted it? The consequences of such a simple mistake can be enormous, especially when the email contains sensitive information. This scenario became a reality for Anthropic, when a simple human error led to the unintended leak of consumer data. Let’s explore how one small oversight […]

Training across generations: Cyber education from Gen X to Gen Z

There’s no denying that, when it comes to technology, the only real constant is change. From the days of backing-up to floppy disks to saving our data to the cloud, cyber technology has undergone a wholesale revolution! It’s also true that new generations of employees have risen to positions of responsibility within organisations, bringing new […]