AI startup Anthropic data breach: What you need to know

Have you ever hit “send” on an email and immediately regretted it? The consequences of such a simple mistake can be enormous, especially when the email contains sensitive information. This scenario became a reality for Anthropic, when a simple human error led to the unintended leak of consumer data. Let’s explore how one small oversight […]

Training across generations: Cyber education from Gen X to Gen Z

There’s no denying that, when it comes to technology, the only real constant is change. From the days of backing-up to floppy disks to saving our data to the cloud, cyber technology has undergone a wholesale revolution! It’s also true that new generations of employees have risen to positions of responsibility within organisations, bringing new […]

Psychology can protect your employees against cyber attacks

Despite significant investments in cutting-edge cyber security systems, many businesses inadvertently neglect their most vulnerable asset – their employees. It’s often not sophisticated hacking techniques that pose the most significant risk, but rather the everyday behaviours and thought patterns of individuals within the organisation. Research consistently shows that humans can be easily manipulated into divulging […]

Free Course: Internet Safety

February 6 marks Safer Internet Day, and we’re supporting this vital global initiative by offering our Internet Safety eLearning course for free. Our Internet Safety course teaches your staff how to identify risks like malware, phishing scams, and insecure websites so they can avoid online dangers. With our Internet Safety course, your team will: Ready […]