The do’s and don’ts of social media to keep information secure

It doesn’t take an expert to note that social media has become almost totally ubiquitous. Today, over 58% of the world’s population is using social media. In the UK alone, 77.9% of us are active social media users, spending an average of almost two hours using such services every day. As we know, where there’s […]

What are the top cybersecurity myths in the workplace?

Cybersecurity has become a top priority for businesses in all sectors,. As you can imagine, raising awareness about cybersecurity and the different types of threats is crucial to protecting your data and systems. As part of the education process, separating the facts from the fiction can help employees to form a better understanding of not […]

What are the cyber-threats to the technology sector?

It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that, when it comes to cyber threats, the technology sector has seen more than its fair share. In fact, research shows that an average of 150,000 threats per week were recorded against the sector in 2021. While it’s true that attacks affect every industry, the technology sector’s relentless innovation […]

How Bob’s Culture changes cybersecurity behaviours

Changing behaviours isn’t easy – just ask anyone with a kid – but when it comes to cybersecurity, it’s often essential. Research suggests that 90% of breaches start with human error, and so no matter how sophisticated your hardware and software cybersecurity solutions are, they can’t account for a member of your team making a […]