Most common passwords of 2022: Is yours on the list?

Passwords, passwords, passwords. They’re the backbone of modern internet security, though you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone that actually enjoys using them. Despite being an essential aspect of our information security, protecting our personal information from unauthorised access and keeping our digital assets safe, many of us seem unwilling to upgrade our passwords. Think we’re […]

Ten cybersecurity myths that could leave you (and your organisation!) vulnerable

With technology advancing at breakneck speed, it’s no secret that cybersecurity is more important than ever. Unfortunately, cybercriminals aren’t standing still, either. Instead, they’re getting more innovative in exploiting vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive information. Although there is growing awareness of the need for cybersecurity in our everyday lives, many of us still cling […]

This month in data breaches: March edition

Where there’s data, there will be criminals looking to steal and profit from it. Data breaches are an almost-constant threat in today’s digital world, with cybercriminals finding new ways to infiltrate systems and steal sensitive information from companies and individuals. As we approach the end of Q1, we’re looking at four major data breaches that […]