Let’s face it, we can all get a little lost when it comes to cyber security jargon. So much so, in fact, that we published our own cyber security jargon buster last year! There was one topic that we left out of that blog though – cyber resilience. For organisations of all sizes, it’s a […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Why Now Isn’t the Time to Hit Pause on Training
COVID-19 has prompted a global financial slowdown, one which has caught plenty of organisations out. Although hopes of a v-shaped recession abound there’s no denying that, at present, we’re very much on the downswing, rather than the up. It’s prompted a time of self-reflection and belt-tightening for organisations across the globe. Accordingly, many organisations are […]
Report Finds Coronavirus Impact on Cyber Security
To suggest that the Coronavirus, COVID-19, has had an impact on our day to day lives would be something of an understatement. It barely needs repeating, but the global impact of Coronavirus has been staggering, with its impact being felt in virtually every aspect of life. Case in point? The Coronavirus’ measurable impact on the […]
Three Business Continuity Calamities
Having a business with no continuity plan is a bit like having a ship with no lifeboats. While we all like to imagine our lives and organisations will always run smoothly, unexpected events can change everything in an instant. When such events strike, you either have a plan or you don’t. This is what business […]
Health & Safety: What You Need to Know
According to the latest Health & Safety Executive (HSE) statistics, over 28.2 million working days were lost in 2019 as a result of work-related ill health and non-fatal injuries. Even if we drastically undervalue each working day at 1 penny, this equates to £282,000 in lost revenue. Health & safety is in everyone’s remit. While […]
ISO 14001: Everything You Need to Know
ISO 14001 is an international standard that provides guidance on implementing and managing an Environmental Management System (EMS). It is effective for organisations of all shapes and sizes, from start-ups to corporate giants. If you want to help lower your carbon emissions, you’re going to need to change a few things at work. It doesn’t […]
Download our Free ‘Home Working’ Module Now
“How are you doing?” It’s a question we’re asking our staff a lot these days. Whether it’s their physical and mental wellbeing, or the safety and security of their home working environment, there’s plenty to consider in these turbulent times. That’s why we’ve built a new interactive eLearning course called Home Working, and why we’re […]
Social Web Call Software: A Blessing or a Curse?
The COVID-19 lockdown has completely changed day-to-day life in the UK; we can’t go out, visit family or travel for any unnecessary means. We humans are innately social animals, which has posed a question for many – how can I see my friends, or speak to my family? Well, the answer has been around for […]
COVID-19 and the Mobile Working Migration
Home is where the heart is, or at least that’s how the saying goes. However, when it comes to information security, home isn’t as safe an environment as you might think. Hackers already prefer attacking home networks because their security measures are often not as thorough as an organisation’s. IT departments across the country have […]
Freedom of Information: Your Guide
Transparency is one of the best ways for your organisation to maintain a high level of trust with its customers and the public. The Freedom of Information Act (2000) was introduced to provide public access to information held by public authorities, including several guidelines and requirements for organisations to consider. Failure to comply can have […]