What is the future of cybersecurity?

Despite being an integral part of modern life, there are still many people (and companies!) who don’t understand the value of cybersecurity. Indeed, even the US Government didn’t consider cybersecurity an issue worthy of a national strategy until around 2003. In recent years, due to lockdown restrictions, businesses have increased their reliance on technological and […]

What are the cyber-threats to the technology sector?

It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that, when it comes to cyber threats, the technology sector has seen more than its fair share. In fact, research shows that an average of 150,000 threats per week were recorded against the sector in 2021. While it’s true that attacks affect every industry, the technology sector’s relentless innovation […]

The growing cybersecurity risks in digital banking

Digital banking has seen meteoric growth since its introduction in 2007, growing year on year to reach its current peak – where 80% of bank account holders access their accounts at least partially online. Indeed, it’s predicted that living with the COVID-19 pandemic will have further accelerated online banking adoption for many consumers. The reasons […]

Cyber risks: what are the impacts on the insurance industry?

To fail to plan is to plan to fail, and so every organisation is in a constant state of planning for both the best and worst-case scenarios. Increasingly, cyberattacks are a significant risk to businesses across all industries but particularly the finance sector, including insurance providers. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation projects for […]

How Bob’s Culture changes cybersecurity behaviours

Changing behaviours isn’t easy – just ask anyone with a kid – but when it comes to cybersecurity, it’s often essential. Research suggests that 90% of breaches start with human error, and so no matter how sophisticated your hardware and software cybersecurity solutions are, they can’t account for a member of your team making a […]

What are the top cybersecurity myths in the workplace?

Cybersecurity has become a top priority for businesses in all sectors,. As you can imagine, raising awareness about cybersecurity and the different types of threats is crucial to protecting your data and systems. As part of the education process, separating the facts from the fiction can help employees to form a better understanding of not […]

Why organisations should opt for a tailored cybersecurity training approach

Hands up if you’ve ever suffered through workplace training that feels like it was designed for somebody else. I’m willing to bet there’s more than a few of you out there. Traditional training approaches for topics such as cybersecurity tend to be of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ variety, with little to no consideration towards the requirements of […]

Does using a VPN prevent cyberattacks?

Nowadays, it’s virtually impossible to find an organisation or sector that hasn’t dramatically changed through digital transformation. Whether it was the slow creep of technological improvements across your organisation or the pandemic, we’re willing to bet that your data is among the most valuable things you own today. Naturally, this has changed the way businesses […]

How to tell when your website is hacked (and what to do about it!)

Once upon a time, it seemed like it was only big corporations who were vulnerable to hacking attacks.  Today, 30,000 websites are targeted daily and 64% of businesses globally have experienced some attack.  Unfortunately, most businesses find out they’ve been breached when the harm has already been done, losing them valuable data and money.  But […]

Why is communication in cybersecurity so important?

Today, it’s virtually impossible to imagine a sector where digital technologies haven’t led to remarkable improvements in productivity and profits. As such, it’s equally hard to imagine parting ways with those technologies. It’s a reliance which has become commonplace in industries across the globe, and while there are obvious benefits, it also presents many security […]