Free Guide: Everything You (And Your Team!) Need to Know About Passwords

Passwords are the backbone of modern Internet security – but that doesn’t mean they’re protecting us. In fact, a shocking number of us exhibit password behaviours that put us (and our companies) at severe risk of a breach! Unlock the secrets to strong password security! Download our free guide, “Everything You (And Your Team!) Need […]

Free Guide: How Organisations Can Create Cyber Superheroes to Take on Cyber-Attacks

When you think of cyber attacks, you might imagine that it’s only tech firms and the banking industry that are targets. However, every organisation in every industry has valuable data to lose. A 148% surge in global ransomware attacks from 2020 to 2021 is testament to that fact. It’s an increase which has led to […]

Free Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Phishing

Ever received an email that seemed a little fishy? You know, those ones that pretend to be from reputable companies but just don’t feel right? Well, these are phishing emails; unfortunately, they’re a genuine concern, especially if you fall victim to one. According to a recent report, phishing and pretexting make up 98% of cyber […]

Free Guide: Developing Your Perfect Training Programme

An effective training programme can be the difference between a breached business and a secure business. Whilst there’s no shortage of training solutions out there, ensuring that you’re getting the most from them is a persistent challenge that every business faces. In this essential free guide, we share what we’ve learned over almost 15 years […]

What your personality type says about your cybersecurity

It’s a digital world, and cybersecurity is now a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. With an increasing number of cyber-attacks hitting organisations of all sizes, it’s imperative for companies to take every available measure to protect their confidential information and sensitive data. While technical measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption are […]

Why social media education is more important than ever

Social media has fundamentally altered the way we interact with one another on the internet. From cat pictures to business listings, there’s virtually no aspect of our public and private lives that social media haven’t touched. Today. social media like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram have become omnipresent in our daily lives. From sharing photos […]

This month in data breaches: January edition

Whether your New Year has started with a bang or a whimper, there’s one constant for every organisation: cyber threats never take a break and data breaches can occur anytime. In January 2023, that’s a lesson several well-known companies and organisations learned as they fell victim to devastating data breaches. These incidents have cost companies […]

10 essential cybersecurity practices for new employees

Welcome to the wonderful world of cybersecurity! As an employee starting at a new company, it’s vital to understand the importance of good cybersecurity practices. After all, human error is responsible for around 90% of data breaches in organisations. By following your company’s cybersecurity practices, you’re helping to protect your company’s valuable information and assets […]

What are the cyber risks in the education sector?

The cyber health of educational sector establishments is a growing concern in the UK, and for a good reason. In a recent survey conducted by the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre, 61% of educational institutions reported a cyber-attack in the last 12 months, a figure that rises to 78% when looking at schools alone. That’s […]