Bob’s Business announces CyberLearn, our innovative in-house LMS

At Bob’s Business, we’re always striving to deliver outstanding training experiences to our customers. It’s been our goal since we were founded in 2007, and it’s as accurate in 2023 as it was all those years ago. Now, in what marks the sounding of the starting gun for our next phase of business evolution, we’re […]

This month in data breaches: September edition

September has left the building, but while the kids are (finally!) back in school, for many businesses, the headaches have only just begun. We speak, of course, about cybersecurity breaches. In this blog, we’ll look into how even the most security-conscious individuals and organisations can fall victim to cyberattacks – alongside sharing how your company […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 at Bob’s Business

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and this year is particularly special as we mark the 20th anniversary. Since 2003, the National Cyber Security Alliance has teamed up with the government and private industries to increase cybersecurity awareness in a bid to help users prevent cyber attacks. This year’s theme is “Secure Our World”, as it […]

Free Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 pack

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and we’re thrilled to announce the release of our Free Cybersecurity Awareness Month Pack! 🎉 This pack will equip you and your team with resources to enhance your cybersecurity awareness throughout October and beyond. Here’s what you’ll find in the pack: Ready to get started? Interact with the bot below to […]

What is social engineering?

When most people think of cyber threats, they picture complex coding and hackers exploiting software vulnerabilities. However, one massive threat is often overlooked and misunderstood – social engineering. But, what exactly is a social engineering attack? Picture a scenario where hackers don’t rely on cracking complex codes. Instead, they employ a different strategy: charm and […]

Back to school: protecting students, staff, and data in education

The new school year is about to kick off, and with it, a buzz of excitement among students and staff for new beginnings and opportunities. However, this period also brings an elevated risk of cyber threats. According to UK government statistics, the education sector ranks as the country’s second most targeted sector for cybercrime. In […]

Five crucial lessons from breached businesses

Cyber breaches are relentless and pose ongoing challenges for organisations to protect their data. The reality is that no organisation, regardless of size or industry, is immune to the potential consequences of a data breach (we hate to be the ones to tell you!). In this blog, we will focus on learning from real-life examples […]

This month in data breaches: August edition

The kids might be on their break, but cybercriminals and scammers haven’t slowed down, with August witnessing multiple notable data breaches with widespread implications for organisations like yours. Let’s take a closer look at the causes of these breaches, the promptness of their handling, and explore potential strategies that could have averted these data breaches. […]

How leaders can create a strong cybersecurity culture

Whether they know it or not, leaders play a pivotal role in shaping an organisation’s cybersecurity culture. A leader’s guidance protects a company’s cybersecurity and cultivates a team-wide mindset dedicated to effectively safeguarding the company. Cybersecurity culture encompasses the shared attitudes, behaviours, and practices that an organisation adopts to safeguard its digital assets. As the […]

Webinar: How to Embed Cybersecurity into Your Company Culture

Join our CTO, Tanmoy & Wigan Council’s CTO, Dave, as they unravel the secrets to turbocharging your organisation’s cybersecurity practices. 📅 When: October 11th, 2023, 3:00 PM (UK Time)🎙️ Host: Tanmoy Hossain, CTO, Bob’s Business🎤 Guest Speaker: Dave Pearce, CTO, Wigan Council💷 Cost: Free Who should attend? This webinar is perfect for individuals like you; […]