The Evolving Threat of Ransomware in 2019 and Beyond

For most businesses, ransomware is the great boogeyman, always lurking around the corner. The prospect of walking into work one day to find all your data locked behind a paywall is a terrifying one, and worst of all, it’s far from a remote possibility. Ransomware attacks in 2018 reached 204 million, a figure which is […]

What is Cyber Security: Everything You Need to Know

There’s a lot of money in information, which is why threats from cybercriminals are growing increasingly common. Cyber security is arguably the most important measure modern organisations can take to keep their clients’ information safe. However, what cyber security actually entails is often misconstrued by key decision-makers within organisations. In this article, we’ll be giving […]

What Were the Most Common Passwords in 2019?

Read our updated guide to 2020’s most common passwords here! Let’s face it – few of us enjoy the process of picking a password. We’re often marooned between a simple yet memorable password and a truly secure one. The result? An epidemic of poor choices which means that, when it comes to choosing passwords, many […]

Your Email isn’t Protecting You from Phishing, Study Finds

It will come as little surprise to anyone who’s ever received a suspect looking invoice, but the major technology firms – including Apple, Google and Microsoft – are failing to protect users from phishing email threats. The confirmatory news-flash comes from Plymouths Centre for Security, Communications and Network (CSCAN), who set about finding what action […]

Introducing the Yorkshire Cyber Security Cluster

We love what we do here at Bob’s Business, and as one of the founders and creators of the Yorkshire Cyber Security Cluster (YCSC) along with CRK consulting, we are proud to be helping regional organisations to become more cyber secure. Introducing the YCSC The YCSC is an initiative created as part of the UK Cyber Security […]

ISO 27001: Everything You Need to Know

What is ISO 27001? ISO 27001 is part of the ISO 27000 family, a group of international standards for Information Security Management Systems. It is the best-known standard in the family providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS). The standard has 10 short clauses and 114 controls that are designed to cover so […]

Shoulder Surfing: What do you Need to Know?

When you think of hacking, you may think of a stereotypical cyber-criminal sat in their basement remotely attacking organisations and servers in order to gain unauthorised access to systems. However, this isn’t always the case as most people seem to overlook one very basic security concern, shoulder surfing! Shoulder surfing is technically another form of […]