ISO 14001: Everything You Need to Know

ISO 14001 is an international standard that provides guidance on implementing and managing an Environmental Management System (EMS). It is effective for organisations of all shapes and sizes, from start-ups to corporate giants. If you want to help lower your carbon emissions, you’re going to need to change a few things at work. It doesn’t […]

Download our Free ‘Home Working’ Module Now

“How are you doing?” It’s a question we’re asking our staff a lot these days. Whether it’s their physical and mental wellbeing, or the safety and security of their home working environment, there’s plenty to consider in these turbulent times. That’s why we’ve built a new interactive eLearning course called Home Working, and why we’re […]

COVID-19 and the Mobile Working Migration

Home is where the heart is, or at least that’s how the saying goes. However, when it comes to information security, home isn’t as safe an environment as you might think. Hackers already prefer attacking home networks because their security measures are often not as thorough as an organisation’s. IT departments across the country have […]

Freedom of Information: Your Guide

Transparency is one of the best ways for your organisation to maintain a high level of trust with its customers and the public. The Freedom of Information Act (2000) was introduced to provide public access to information held by public authorities, including several guidelines and requirements for organisations to consider. Failure to comply can have […]

CCTV Best Practices Explained

While your organisation needs to protect its digital assets, it also needs to protect itself physically. This is why most organisations run Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) throughout their premises. However, despite so many organisations operating CCTV, many are still unaware of CCTV best practices. There are a number of things to consider from a legal […]

Secure Printing: What You Need to Know

With an intense focus on exterior cyber security threats, it can be easy to overlook just how crucial it is to take precautions when you are printing sensitive information. However, the risks created by leaking data could potentially damage your organisation are very, very real. Although you might feel secure in your workplace, many organisations […]

Keeping it Clear: What is a Clear Desk Policy?

Data has become one of the most valuable assets in the world, making information security more important than it’s ever been. Unfortunately, this has made cybercriminals more driven and dangerous too. Bob’s Business has spent over a decade helping organisations instil a cyber secure culture to better protect their own and their customers’ data. Throughout […]

A Free Cyber Essentials Course to Help You Prepare for Accreditation

With IASME set to take over sole responsibility of administering the Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme on April 1, we’ve cooked up a special offer for any organisation looking to achieve accreditation. That’s right, we’re offering our brand new Cyber Essentials course for free until April 1. What is Cyber Essentials? Cyber Essentials is a government […]

Carefully Classified: Understanding Information Classification

Have you ever accidentally sent a group email that contained all the recipients’ addresses in the ‘CC’ field? While this can be an innocent mistake in a personal email, including others’ contact details in a professional email could constitute a data breach Information classification is vital in maintaining your organisation’s reputation and future, so we’ve […]