The essential guide to securing your premises

As a business owner, protecting your assets is one of your top priorities. After you have spent years developing your business, just one preventable incident could cause huge problems. Therefore, it is important to have comprehensive security measures in place, for both physical and digital security. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential security measures […]

What you need to know about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Diversity and inclusion are vital in all areas of life and in the workplace they are crucial for a diverse set of people to work together cohesively. Having good quality diversity and inclusion policies in place, as well as providing comprehensive training on these topics can help workplaces to improve their diversity and inclusion. What […]

The good, the bad and the ugly of cybersecurity statistics (2021 edition)

At Bob’s Business, we’re at the very forefront of organisational cybersecurity training and simulated phishing training. Making training entertaining, engaging and effective is what we do. In order to make training truly effective, however, we need to understand the cybersecurity habits, behaviours and assumptions that underpin behaviours across organisations. It’s why we created the Human […]

Why every organisation should be ISO 27001 certified

How can you give partner organisations and customers greater confidence in the way they interact with your business, and assure the reliability, security, and integrity of your systems and information? The answer: ISO 27001 certification. ISO 27001 certification is an important standard for most organisations with an ISMS (Information Security Management System), but what is […]

What you need to know about anti-bribery training

When you think of bribery, you might think of bent coppers (thanks, Line of Duty). Or, you might imagine shady political deals and cash-lined handshakes. The reality for the vast majority of businesses and organisations, however, is much more prosaic – though no less insidious. Bribery is, in fact, extremely commonplace. Why? Simply because many […]

These Two Elements Create Devastatingly Effective Phishing Emails

Phishing emails remain one of the biggest threats facing both individuals and organisations online. According to analysis from Verizon, 90% of all cyber security incidents and breaches in 2017 included a phishing element, and 76% of organisations experienced a phishing attack. Of course, not all phishing emails are created equal, ranging from broad attacks around […]