How to keep your personal information safe when ordering online

It has never been easier to shop online, with websites like Amazon, Argos and eBay promising same or next day delivery and auto-fill technology, putting an end to laborious typing-out of your card details. However, it’s a convenience that comes with risk, because whenever your card details are used online, you could potentially be handing […]

2021’s biggest breaches (and what they can teach you)

We’re officially made it to 2022, and although the New Year brings plenty of promise, there’s always value in looking back to see what we can learn from the previous twelve months. 2021 was, of course, a challenging year for many individuals and organisations for a number of reasons. Compounding those difficulties, though, data breaches […]

Melanie Oldham awarded OBE in New Years honours list

For her outstanding contributions to cybersecurity under the YCSC (Yorkshire Cyber Security Cluster), CEO of Bob’s Business, Melanie Oldham has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s 2022 New Year’s Honours List. The award recognises Melanie’s service in helping develop cybersecurity awareness across Yorkshire and the rest of the United Kingdom. Melanie’s work in cybersecurity […]

What is your digital footprint and how can you minimise it?

In today’s day and age, it’s virtually impossible to use the internet without leaving footprints in the (digital) sand. Whether it’s the public playlist we make on Spotify, the office selfies we take at our Christmas parties or the information we let slip on our social media profiles, we run up a large digital footprint […]

The cybersecurity risks of working from home

There are few aspects of our society that haven’t been directly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and businesses are no different, with the vast majority forced into a quick transition towards working from home measures, to protect their staff during these uncertain times. The changes haven’t been temporary, either. Gov UK found that at the […]

The industries most at risk of cyberattacks

When it comes to being a target of a cyberattack, there’s something of a misconception commonly held by organisations. Namely, cyberattacks are something that happens to other organisations. While the news is often full of stories about large global firms getting targeted and falling victim to attacks, the vast majority of attacks focus on small […]

How experiential learning can strengthen your cybersecurity

As the risk of cyberattacks continues to grow for businesses, reaching record levels in 2020, it has never been more important to ensure that your teams stay informed about new cyber threats, as well as emerging technology and other tools that are able to enhance cybersecurity and combat online threats. Developing employee cyber awareness is […]

What is experiential learning?

Everyone knows that Investing in employee learning and development delivers countless valuable benefits to businesses, but what many forget is that in order to optimise the outputs from learning and development strategies, businesses need to deploy varied learning experiences. Learning theories have been researched for centuries, and David A. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory is one […]