What is the future of cybersecurity?

Despite being an integral part of modern life, there are still many people (and companies!) who don’t understand the value of cybersecurity. Indeed, even the US Government didn’t consider cybersecurity an issue worthy of a national strategy until around 2003. In recent years, due to lockdown restrictions, businesses have increased their reliance on technological and […]

What are the most common crypto scams?

It’s impossible to overstate just how buzz-worthy cryptocurrencies and the blockchain that enable them have become over the last 10 years. From an obscure but promising alternative to fiat currencies to “digital gold”, they have become a controversial mainstay in the financial world. Over 100 million people are now using cryptocurrency exchanges, with the total […]

What are the key cybersecurity threats in the retail sector?

It goes without saying but, if your business is targeted with a cyberattack, it could cause catastrophic damage. A glance at the morning news will tell you as much. There are severe consequences for those who fall victim, from financial losses, disruption in productivity, and reputational damage to investigations from regulators. Unfortunately, cyberattacks have become […]

Will the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) impact cybersecurity?

The rapid advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer for a huge variety of sectors from technology to healthcare, helping companies make giant leaps and greater understand their customers. Whilst AI will continue to add great value to businesses in the future, like any other technology, its use can also have a negative […]

What are 2022’s top trends in security risk management?

With businesses across every sector inviting greater digitisation into their processes and growing more reliant on technological systems to sell products, offer services and store data the level of disruption a cyberattack can cause is constant. eCommerce revenue has grown by over £5.3bn in the UK, largely as a result of the pandemic. Sectors such […]

What are the risks when bringing personal devices into the workplace?

It’ll come as no surprise to hear that, today, we’re rarely without some kind of personal computer on our person. Whether it’s a laptop, tablet or smartphone, such devices have become an integral part of our lives. In fact, latest estimates suggest that 87% of the UK population own a smartphone. No longer are our […]

The do’s and don’ts of social media to keep information secure

It doesn’t take an expert to note that social media has become almost totally ubiquitous. Today, over 58% of the world’s population is using social media. In the UK alone, 77.9% of us are active social media users, spending an average of almost two hours using such services every day. As we know, where there’s […]

What are the top cybersecurity myths in the workplace?

Cybersecurity has become a top priority for businesses in all sectors,. As you can imagine, raising awareness about cybersecurity and the different types of threats is crucial to protecting your data and systems. As part of the education process, separating the facts from the fiction can help employees to form a better understanding of not […]

What are the cyber-threats to the technology sector?

It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that, when it comes to cyber threats, the technology sector has seen more than its fair share. In fact, research shows that an average of 150,000 threats per week were recorded against the sector in 2021. While it’s true that attacks affect every industry, the technology sector’s relentless innovation […]

How Bob’s Culture changes cybersecurity behaviours

Changing behaviours isn’t easy – just ask anyone with a kid – but when it comes to cybersecurity, it’s often essential. Research suggests that 90% of breaches start with human error, and so no matter how sophisticated your hardware and software cybersecurity solutions are, they can’t account for a member of your team making a […]