How to stay safe online this Black Friday and Cyber Monday

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner and Christmas rapidly approaching, there’s no doubt it’s the season for lighter wallets. But whilst riding the sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday can land you a fantastic deal, they’re also a beacon that attracts scam artists, fraudsters, and crooks. This is more prevalent […]

How to manage risk in your organisation

Risks exist everywhere, and we face them every day. Whether taking on a new client, moving into a new office building or just crossing the road, risk must be managed appropriately to minimise potential issues and maximise gain. In an ideal world, we’d make decisions with all facts available. However, life doesn’t often hand us […]

The cost of living crisis: scams to watch out for

Almost every aspect of daily life has been impacted by the recent cost-of-living crisis, from gas prices to our weekly food shops. However, as the cost-of-living issue takes root, millions more people have been targeted by scammers, according to new data from Citizens Advice. That’s an increase of 14% from last year, and more than […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month at Bob’s Business

Every October, governments and private organisations alike collaborate to raise awareness of digital security. It’s called Cybersecurity Awareness Month and its goal is to empower everyone to protect their data from cybercrime. Launched in 2004 by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this month is dedicated to providing people […]

This month in data breaches: September edition

Another month, another litany of breaches to discuss. We join you at the end of September 2022, which, even by modern standards, has offered tough lessons for organisations large and small in being careful with whom you provide sensitive information. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get started examining September in […]

The Future of Cybersecurity 2022: The most remarkable statistics

It’s no secret that cybercrime has become a key issue for businesses, with nearly all criminal activities having some sort of online component. Post-pandemic, cyber threats have increased by 81%, showing no signs of slowing down. At Bob’s Business, we’re at the forefront of cyber-risk reduction by putting people first and positive cybersecurity behaviours at […]

Why cybersecurity is important for small businesses

Today it’s not uncommon to see in the news that organisations as large and varied as Adidas and the NHS have become victims of large-scale cyber attacks. The reason why is obvious; hackers go after the big fish because the potential returns can be gigantic. But what about the small businesses, are they also targeted? […]

Webinar: Five simple steps to reduce your cybersecurity risk, with Melanie Oldham OBE

We’re delighted to announce our latest webinar ‘Five simple steps to reduce your cybersecurity risk, with Melanie Oldham OBE’ is coming to a screen near you soon. Join Melanie on Friday, October 21st, 2022 at 11 am as she reveals the research showing the changing face of cybersecurity and shares the five simple steps you […]