According to a 2017 Economist article, data has overtaken oil as the most valuable resource the world has to offer. It’s a startling claim, but not an untrue one.

In the modern age, virtually everything we do produces data. From the journeys we take every day to the websites we browse as we sit in front of the TV at night, everything is recorded in vast data sets, which are extremely valuable to the organisations that hold them.

Naturally, where there’s value, criminals will always attempt to cause damage. However, that’s not the only threat. Human error can result in massive data loss too so backing up data is absolutely essential.

In this blog post, we will take you through everything you need to know about backing up data, including what it is, why it is important, and how to do it.

What is a Data Backup?

A backup is simply a copy of your information that can be accessed in the event of the original information being lost or compromised. Think of it as a snapshot of your system, which you can go back to if something happens.

If you have Cloud storage on your phone, then you may already be familiar with how this works, and its benefits. For example, if you had an album of sentimental, baby photos on a phone that used Cloud storage, you would be able to access the photos online if you were to lose your phone.

Backing up your organisation’s data would enable the same protection from loss.

Why Backup Your Data?

Storing sensitive data without a backup is a bit like having a football team with no subs.

From a financial point of view, losing data can be catastrophic. This could be because customers no longer trust that you can protect their personal information, or because you have physically lost customer data and are unable to re-establish the relationships.

On top of all this, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) can impose cut-throat fines for data protection non-compliance, which is the last thing you need after a data breach.

How to Backup Securely?

Bob’s Business has spent years helping organisations instil a cyber secure culture, including how to backup sensitive information. Below is a selection of Bob’s Top Tips, taken from our NCSC-accredited Cyber Security Awareness module, which boasts engagement rates of over 90%.

  • Your backup storage should be at an external site. This would mean that if your primary site was compromised, your information wouldn’t be.
  • Many Cloud-based storage systems offer an auto-save option, which saves work as it’s being done and lowers the risk of loss. You can implement automatic saving into your work software, or introduce a daily backup policy for your staff.
  • Remember not to power off any device that is performing a backup as this could result in the data not being saved correctly.
  • Use multiple backups in multiple locations to drastically reduce the risk of data loss.

To learn more about Cyber Security Awareness or any of our other innovative cyber security awareness eLearning courses, click here or get in touch.

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