Cybersecurity is no longer something a business can afford to ignore.

Trading online and operating a web presence is the new norm for organisations of every size, which has given rise to a new world of dangers to combat.

Like any industry, online platforms are routinely targeted by criminals. However, these online threats tend to be far more sophisticated and intelligent than their offline counterparts.

For any online business, there is a genuine danger if you’re not properly protected. According to the ICO, 4 out of the top 5 causes of data breaches are related to human error, which is why effective cybersecurity training can give your organisation a huge edge in the fight against cyber criminals.

Phishing remains one of the biggest threats to organisations, with 97% of people globally unable to identify phishing emails.

Simulated phishing training helps your staff identify phishing emails and know how to deal with phishing threats when they come in, with courses that can be tailored to your company’s specific weaknesses and needs.

What are the benefits of simulated phishing training for your organisation?

Heightened phishing awareness

Simulated phishing training raises the overall security awareness of your staff. We always recommend that you alert your staff that phishing simulations are in the process of being deployed by the IT and security team.

This is done for a number of reasons, primarily to avoid staff members feeling punished by management and partially to encourage heightened awareness.

By experiencing realistic phishing simulations, employees become more vigilant and develop the ability to identify real threats.

Your employees safely experience real-life phishing attempts

Phishing emails are often designed to deceive and are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
By deploying simulated phishing training, you give your team valuable experience in lifelike scenarios, using our library of over 200 personalisable phishing email templates.

This realistic approach helps your staff recognise the subtleties of phishing attempts and prepares them to respond appropriately.

Problem area identification

Simulated phishing campaigns enable you to monitor how your staff respond to phishing emails. By analysing click-through rates and area-specific data, you can identify the major problem areas and determine where additional training and education are needed.

Evaluating the results of simulated phishing attacks allows you to assess your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses. Detailed reports provide valuable insights, highlighting areas where you need to improve and identifying where extra training is required.

This continuous improvement cycle ensures that your staff remains updated and prepared to prevent phishing attacks.

Enhanced communication across your organisation

Simulated phishing training can break down the communication barriers between IT and workers. By providing jargon-free education, training fosters a common understanding of cybersecurity across the organisation.

This improved communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and actively contributes to maintaining a secure environment.

What are the four stages of a simulated phishing campaign?

Here are the four stages of our simulated phishing training and how you can benefit from them:

Stage one: Specify your needs

The first stage of deploying simulated phishing training is working with us to figure out your needs.

This stage is designed so that we can tailor the course to give you the training that you and your staff need – it’s counterproductive to keep going over things your staff already know about, or giving workers information that isn’t relevant to them.

There are lots of different ways to use simulated phishing training, so by letting us know what you’re looking to achieve, we’ll be able to form a setup that easily provides you with what you need.

Stage two: Tailor your training

Phishing emails disguise themselves almost flawlessly, and so do ours. With over 200 phishing email templates to choose from, there are plenty of personalisation options available.

With this tailored training style, you’ll benefit from a far more lifelike phishing simulation whilst also keeping the door open for further scenarios in the future.

Stage three: Start the scenario

The next step is to get the ball rolling with your simulated phishing training by sending out the “malicious” email.

Then, you’re able to monitor how your staff respond to the email, so that you can identify where the major problem areas are and what needs to be addressed. Our in-depth reports feature click-through rates and area-specific data, so you can accurately identify where you are most at risk as a business.

Stage four: Evaluate and improve

The final stage is to analyse the results of the simulated phishing attack.

Our reports clearly identify where you are strong, where you are weak, and where you’d benefit from extra training and education to avoid any major breaches that could cripple the company in one little click.

From there, our phishing training courses will educate your staff on what they need to do to avoid falling victim to a phishing attack – simulated or real – in the future.

Keeping safe is, for the most part, all about vigilance and knowledge, so don’t dither when it comes to informing your staff on cybersecurity – one simple training course could be the difference between a smooth sailing business and a total security breach.

Our simulated phishing training courses aren’t just designed to give your staff the information they need either; they’ll also help to improve awareness of threats, help you to track progress and effectiveness, and also break down the communication barriers between IT and workers with a jargon-free education experience so that everyone is on the same page.

Bonus: try our phishing course ‘Hook, Line, & Sinker!’ for free!

Congratulations on making it this far!

At the core of our risk-reducing cyber awareness training products lies a strong emphasis on phishing awareness.

That’s why our course catalogue doesn’t just offer one or two, but a total of five comprehensive phishing training courses. These courses are designed to equip you and your team with the necessary skills to identify and prevent attacks before they can harm your business.

We are now providing free access to our brand-new gamified training experience, ensuring that every business can protect its valuable data and staff from malicious attacks.

By participating in this training, you will gain knowledge in:

  • Recognising various types of attacks, including smishing, vishing, and phishing.
  • Developing the ability to identify and prevent attacks effectively.
  • Understanding the best strategies for handling each type of attack.

Are you ready to take action? Simply interact with the bot below and begin the process of educating your employees for free.

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