Free Course: Hook, Line and Sinker

Did you know that phishing attacks are the most common form of attack that a business faces? In fact, according to research, 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent each day!

In total, they make up 98% of cyber incidents and 93% of breaches, highlighting just how dangerous phishing attacks can be.

That’s why phishing awareness is at the heart of all of our risk-reducing cyber awareness training products and why our course catalogue includes not one or two but five phishing training courses for you and your team to learn to spot and stop attacks before they harm your business.

Now, we’re giving you free access to our brand-new gamified training experience so every business can protect its data and staff from attacks. In it, you’ll learn:

  • Examples of smishing, vishing and phishing attacks.
  • How to spot and prevent attacks.
  • How to effectively deal with each kind of attack

Ready to get started? Interact with the bot below to gain instant access now! 👇

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