No matter the scale of your organisation, compliance training is necessary to safeguard you and your organisation from legal issues further down the line.

You may have heard other organisations talk about it and even know that your company needs it, but you might need help understanding why.

Join us as we share precisely what compliance training is and answer some of your most pressing questions about compliance training.

What is compliance training?

Compliance training can cover a range of different topics, but its overall goal is to educate employees about the legal and internal policies which apply to their roles and daily activities in their position.

The main purpose of compliance training is to walk employees through ethics and regulatory issues that could arise in the workplace and train them on how to guard against them effectively.

What issues are covered by compliance training?

As we have already mentioned, compliance training can cover many essential issues in the workplace, depending on the sector you work in. In our case, for example, we offer compliance training which covers topics relating to information security, such as ISO 27001, and environmental standards, such as ISO 14001.

Other issues which often require compliance training include company policies, codes of conduct, diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, and business ethics. Certain industries, such as healthcare and finance, will have even more compliance training in place than other businesses due to the highly regulated nature of those sectors.

Why is compliance training so important?

Whilst the importance of compliance training might not be immediately apparent, we’ve all seen heavy fines levied on businesses charged with non-compliance or a breach of regulation. Avoiding those fines is the most important reason to undergo compliance training.

While no employee breaks the law knowingly – except for rare occasions – many times, a compliance issue can occur unknown to the responsible party out of lack of knowledge or understanding.

Of course, the reasons for undergoing compliance training continue beyond avoiding fines. Compliance training enables your entire organisation to work safely and efficiently from the same page, reducing confusion and friction within the business environment.

The right training ensures that your organisation remains compliant at all times and equips your employees with the knowledge needed to spot any non-compliance or potential issues they may come across in the business.

What is a compliance certification?

A compliance certification is a fully accredited document certifying that your business meets the standards demanded by the certification specifications.

What are the best practices for compliance training?

Set out clear objectives

Understanding why you must do something can often increase motivation as it’s easy to attribute results to your behaviour. Training can feel much more valuable to employees when they understand the importance of compliance training, and it can even feel like an internal competition for them.

Make training interesting

There’s no need to make your employees sit through tedious training packed with hard-to-understand jargon when there are so many good alternative methods.

eLearning can be beneficial in many ways to both you and your employees. Employees can take as many breaks as they need because the training is broken down into bite-sized modules that are easy to understand. eLearning also allows learners to finish their training whenever they are ready.

As a result, fewer people rush through because they believe their time and effort would be better spent on another project. Because only some employees learn in the same way or within the same time frame, your employees will appreciate it if you give them the option to complete their training whenever they want by a specific deadline.

Instead of handing each employee a stack of papers every year, invest in interactive scenarios and simulations that allow learners to test how they would respond in various situations via eLearning.

– Think of ways to incorporate interactive content – e.g. quizzes or games. This can be a good way to enhance learning and engage participants.

– Focus on practical applications – not the situations that are least likely to occur, but the situations in which employees are very likely to find themselves. These are the kind of scenarios that can make an impact.

– Encourage input and active discussion. To impact employee engagement, you need to engage them. Create an environment that is open, transparent and two-way.

Make compliance issues relevant to your employees

Making an employee go through a lengthy cybersecurity awareness training programme that is unrelated to their work or day-to-day responsibilities is the fastest way to lose interest and stop learning. Since your employees must receive compliance training, you must ensure that the material is relevant to keep their interest.

Ask for feedback on the training experience

Your staff want to feel like their thoughts and opinions are respected. Their excitement and motivation will decline, and you’ll probably have a higher staff turnover rate if you don’t pay attention to their suggestions and worries. Not just compliance training but entire corporate culture is affected by this.

Inquire about their opinions of the training, any changes they would make, and the overall experience. Their input enables you to continuously enhance your compliance training process and guarantee that employees benefit the most from it, which benefits the entire business.

So, how can our compliance training help your business?

We believe in making training as simple, relatable and effective as possible, and our compliance training is no different. Through our gamified training, employees never feel as though it’s a tick-box exercise that they need to get done.

Bob’s Business is your first port of call regarding cybersecurity compliance training. Offering comprehensive online training, our compliance courses can be tailored to suit both the public and private sector and can be scaled to suit businesses of any size, from small enterprises to large organisations.

To make compliance easier for staff to digest, our compliance training courses are bite-sized for a more efficient learning experience.

For more information about how we can help your business achieve compliance, get in touch with a member of our team today.

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