Webinar: Five simple steps to reduce your cybersecurity risk, with Melanie Oldham OBE

We’re delighted to announce our latest webinar ‘Five simple steps to reduce your cybersecurity risk, with Melanie Oldham OBE’ is coming to a screen near you soon.

Join Melanie on Friday, October 21st, 2022 at 11 am as she reveals the research showing the changing face of cybersecurity and shares the five simple steps you can take to reduce cyber risk and protect your organisation.

Aimed at any organisation, you will learn simple, actionable ways you can strengthen your cybersecurity and protect your data.

Even better, event attendees will get access to our exclusive gamified Hook, Line and Sinker: The Game course to share with your team and reduce your risk further. So why wait? Book your free slot today!

Get your free ticket here.

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